Publication on the Sulfidation Kinetics of PBF Ti64

Subbarao Raikar published his latest paper Sulfidation Kinetics of Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V with Elemental Sulfur in Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology: The International Journal of Corrosion Processes and Corrosion Control (doi:...

Congratulations to Dr. Steven DiGregorio!

We are excited to announce the Steven DiGregorio successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation (Interfacial Reduction Phenomena in Self-Reducing Reactive Silver Ink Systems) today.  This is an exciting day and we are extremely proud of the work Steven has done.  Steven...

Our SwiftVISA Paper is Finally Published

Our first software paper has been published. SwiftVISA: Controlling Instrumentation with a Swift-Based Implementation of the VISA Communication Protocol published in the Journal of Open Source Software (doi: 10.21105/joss.04752).  Connor Barnes did an amazing job...