


CoorsTek, room 245

Hildreth Research Group has 123 m2 (1,320 ft2) of chemical lab space on the second floor of the CoorsTek Center for Applied Science and Engineering dedicated to nanoscale to centimeter scale additive manufacturing research.  This lab space includes 4.9 meters (16 feet) of chemical fumehoods, 44 meters (144 ft) of bench space, and two nitrogen glove boxes.

These facilities contain much of the fabrication and metrology equipment necessary to study the chemical kinetics, mass transport, heat transfer, and corrosion phenomena involved in printed reactive inks, dissolvable metal supports, and ultra near-field electrohydrodynamics.

Below lists some of our major fabrication, characterization, and synthesis equipments.

3D Printers

Microfab Jetlab II Precision

Microfab Jetlab II Precision

Drop-on-demand materials printer

Microfab Jetlab II with precision stage, stage mapping calibration, and digital pnuematic controller upgrades.  Print can print up to four inks/materials serially.  Horizonatal cameras and sequenced strope illumaiton for jet setup and vertical camera for alignment and post-print inpsection.  Printer software supports print-on-the-fly and point-to-point print modes. Specifications include heated stages up to 170 ˚C; XY-travel range of 200 mm x 200 mm; velocity/acceleration up to 100 mm/s and 400 mm/s2 respectively; accuracy/repeatbility ±3 µm / ± 1 µm.  Current nozzle sizes in use range from 5 µm to 100 µm in diameter.

NOTE: we are currently moving our Jetlab II into a glove box for printing in inert atmospheres.

Nordson Robot Pro4 Dispensing Robot

Nordson Robot Pro4 Dispensing Robot

3 Axis Dispensing Printer for Reactive Inks

Nordson Pro4 3-Axis Dispensing Robot with integrated z-height laser measuring system.  This 3-axis dispensing printer has 400 mm ⨉ 400 mm ⨉ 4 mm travel; ± 4 µm position repeatability; ± 1 µm z-height measurement accuracy on opaque and transparent substrates.  The printer is equipped with an Instec heated vacuum chuck (-120 ˚C to 210 ˚C).   This printer is used to metallize photovoltaic cells and investigate the impact of reaction kinetics on the morphology and materials properties of printed reactive inks.

EHD Nano-Printer

EHD Nano-Printer

Lab-built EHD Nano-scale Printer

This is a lab-built Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) printer for nanoscale additive manufacturing.  The printer is located in our nitrogen atmosphere glove-box to print non-noble metal reactive inks.  Printer consists of a two 3-axis Newport Stages (macro-stage and piezoelectric nano-stage) with 1 nm position accuracy, integrated Nanosurf AFM, and high-speed amplifier capable of ± 10,000 V with slew rates up to 700 V/µS.


Lindberg Blue M 1200˚C 3" Tube Furnace

Lindberg Blue M 1200˚C 3" Tube Furnace

Single Zone 3" Tube Furnace for Sensitizing Non-Ferrous Alloys

Lindberg/Blue M 1200°C Split-Hinge Tube Furnace, single-zone (24″ heated length), 5440 W, 3″ tube furnace with digital controller used to sensitize non-ferrous alloys in inert environments.  

Deltech Inert Gas Furnace

Deltech Inert Gas Furnace

Front Loading Atmosphere Envelope Vacuum Laboratory Furnace

DT-22-FL-8-VA Deltec Front Loading Furnace. 1200 ˚C Front Loading Atmosphere Envelope Laboratory Furnace with Vacuum Capability with a working volume 8″ wide x 8″ deep x 8″ high and a manual side hinged “swing” door. Complete with stainless steel sealed enclosure, Viton O-ring Sealing (good in vacuum down to .01 Torr and pressures up to one atmosphere), four gas throughways, silicone carbide heating elements, Eurotherm 3504 auto-tuning programmable controller with Modbus TCP/IP Communications; type K control thermocouple; zero crossover SCR; over temperature protection (includes limit controller, contactor, and Type K thermocouple), and Nema One control cabinet with side hinged door for easy access to all components

Custom Iodine Vapor Furnace

Custom Iodine Vapor Furnace

Custom Iodine Vapor Furnace

Custom iodine-vapor furnace to sensitize printed metal components using heated iodine vapor to simplify post-processing 3D printed metal components.  Includes a heated oven with a sealed quartz reaction vessel inside.  Iodine vapor passes into the reaction vessel with iodine vapor pressure controlled through an attached jacketed iodine source.


Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM)

SEMTech Solutions Refurbished Amray 3300 FESEM

SEMTech Solutions Refurbished Amray 3300 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) equipped with WIN10TM SEMView8000 Technology, an Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) using a Silicon Drift 30 mm2 SDD Detector, Back Scattered Electron (BSE) Detector, and an IR Chamberscope.  System includes a 305 Schottky field emission source with 100 V to 30 kV accelerating voltage.  Image resolution is 1.5 nm at 30kV accelerating voltage.    5 axis translates 125 mm ⨉ 125 mm ⨉ 100 mm with -5˚ to + 90˚ tilt and 360˚ rotation.  SEMView8000 supports up to 8k images and video.  EDS supports point, line, and area elemental mapping.

Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer

Benchtop X-Ray Diffractometer

Benchtop XRD to measure atomic structure

Bruker D2 Phaser desktop X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) equipped with a 30kV Co source, SSD160 compound silicon strip detector, and automated, 6-stage sample holder. System has a 2θ scan range from -3˚ to 160˚ Max. scanning range , 0.005˚ 2θ step size, ± 0.02˚ 2θ accuracy, minimum peak width (FWHM) better than 0.05˚ 2θ, Co. System used quantify composition and phase distribution of metallic and ceramic samples.

Ametek PARSTAT Multichannel Potentiostat Chassis w/ EIS

Ametek PARSTAT Multichannel Potentiostat Chassis w/ EIS

Multichannel Potentiostat w/ two PMC 1000 and one 10 A booster

Ametek (formerly Princeton Applied Research) PARSTAT Multichannel Potentiostat Chassis equipped with eight PMC 1000 potentiostats (±12V, ±2 A, 2 MHz EIS) and one PMC 10A booster.  Specifications include: synchronized voltage/current/auxiliary sampling at 500k samples/sec; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy up to 1 MHz; rise time <500 ns; applied voltage resolution between 305 nV to 300 µV depending on voltage range; voltage accuracy of ±0.2%; applied current accuracy of ±0.2% with a minimum resolution of 6.1 pA; voltage and current measurements down to 6 µV and 122 fA; and EIS rnage of 1 MHz to 10 µHz.

Ametek 616A Rotating Disk Electrode

Ametek 616A Rotating Disk Electrode

Princeton Applied Research Model 616A Electrode Rotator

The Ametek (formerly Princeton Applied Research) Model 616A Electrode Rotator is a high precision, low mass rotator that performs well with virtually any potentiostat. When connected to Princeton Applied Research electrochemical instrumentation, it uses control lines to give a remote start/stop and speed control. Using the convenient control panel and input jacks, the model 616 can easily be operated for either manual or automated experiments.

Pine Jacketed Corrosion Cell

Pine Jacketed Corrosion Cell

Pine RCE Bundle with Jacketed Corrosion Cell

Pine Research Instruments RCE Jacketed Corrosion Cell.  Jacketed corrosion cell with drain used to measure the electrochemical and corrosion response of sensitized metals and printed reactive inks.

Pine Instruments WaveNow Portable Potentiostat/Galvanostat

Pine Instruments WaveNow Portable Potentiostat/Galvanostat

Potentiostat with ±4 V, ±100 mA range

Pine Instruments WaveNow Portable Potentiostat/Galvanostat.  Specifications include:  ±4 V at 125 µV per DAC bit with ±0.2% accuracy; 80 µA to 100 mA with ±0.2% setting and ±0.05% range accuracy.

TA Instruments Q20 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

TA Instruments Q20 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)

DSC to measure enthalpy and kinetics of chemical reactions and phase transitions

TA Instruments Q20 Differential Scanning Calorimete (DSC) with RCS40 cooling system from -40 ˚C to 400 ˚C and T-Zero Press and Die set.  Specifications include: ≤100 µW baseline flatness; <40 µW baseline repeatability; ±0.1°C temperature accuracy;  ±0.01°C temperature pression; ±0.1 enthalpy precision; dual gas input (N2 and O2).  This DSC is used to meaasure enthalpy of reactions, heat of vaporizations, and reaction kinetcs of new reactive ink systems.

TA Instruments Q50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) w/ Gas Evolution Furnace

TA Instruments Q50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) w/ Gas Evolution Furnace

TGA to monitor composition, oxidation, vaporization, sublimation, absorption and desorption

TA Instruments Q50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) equipped with evolved gas analysis furnace for sampling output gasses in our Nicolete iS-10 FTIR.  Specifications include: 1 gram maximum sample weight; ±0.01% weighing precision; 0.1 µg sensitivity; < 50 µg baseline dynamic drift; temperature range up to 1,000 ˚C (480 ˚C limit when gas evolution furance is used); ±1 ˚C isothermal temperature accuracy; ±0.1 ˚C isothermal temperature precision; heating rate from 0.1 to 100 ˚C/min.  This TGA is used to measure solvent partial pressures, reaction temperatures, reaction product vaporization temperatures/rates.

Thermo-Fisher Nicolete iS-50 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer

Thermo-Fisher Nicolete iS-50 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer

FTIR w/ ATR and gas analysis chamber to analyze chemical composition of liquids, solids, and gasses

Nicolete iS-50 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with TGA-IR and Attenuated Internal Reflectance (ATR) modules for collecting spectra from gas evolved from our Q50 TGA and solids/liquids respectively.  Specifications include: 0.4 cm-1 Standard Resolution (variable resolution from 64 to 0.4 cm-1); 1 minute signal to noise ratio better than 35,000:1; BaF2 coated, KBr windows; KBr/Ge coated beamsplitter (7800-350 cm-1); deuterated triglicine sulfate detector (7800-350 cm-1).  This FTIR with TGA-IR and ATR modules is used to monitor/measure reaction products, reaction rates, and partial pressures.

Mettler-Toledo S470 pH/Conductivity Meter

Mettler-Toledo S470 pH/Conductivity Meter

pH/Conductivity meter for fluids

Mettler-Toledo S470 pH/Conductivity Meter with the following probes for measuring fluid conductivity and pH.  Electrodes include: inLab 710 – 0.1 – 500 mS/cmS/cm; inLab 720 – 0.1 – 500 µS/cm; and InLab Power Pro pH.

Elveflow OBII MkII Microfluidics Controller

Elveflow OBII MkII Microfluidics Controller

Two channel microfluidics control with flow meter for both positive and negative flows

Elveflow OB1-MkIII base with 2 channels installed  Each channel has a pressure range of ±1 bar with microfluidic flow sensors accurate to 0.01% for flows up to 80 µL/min.  

Rheosense microVIsc Rheometer

Rheosense microVIsc Rheometer

Portable rheometer for viscosity measurements of reactive inks

Rheosense microVisc portable rheometer for measuring the viscosity of our reactive inks at room temperature.  Specifications include: 100 µL sample volume; 1.7 – 5,800 s-1 shear rate range; 0.2 – 20,000 cP viscosity range; 2% accuracy of reading and 0.5 % of full scale repeatability (scale depends on visocity sensor chip); 0.15 ˚C built in temperature sensor.

Motic BA310MET-T Trinocular Optical Microscope

Motic BA310MET-T Trinocular Optical Microscope

Trinocular optical microscope for transmission and reflection optical imaging

Motic BA310MET-T Trinocular Optical Microscope with 5x, 10x, 50x 100x objectives  10x eye piece, and 20 MP digital camera.  Works in reflective and transmission modes with polarizer and analyzer optical filters.


Refurbished Adjustable 4-Point Probe Station

Refurbished Adjustable 4-Point Probe Station

Refurbished Adjustable 4-Point Probe Station for measuring film and line resistances.

Adjustable four-point probe station for measure film and line resistance.  Includes 4 adjustable probes with tungsten tips, vertical and rotational positional control.  Dinoscope microscope camera provides up to 100× magnification for film/line visualization and measurement.

Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/Micro-ohm Meter

Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/Micro-ohm Meter

Nanovolt/Micro-ohm meter for electrical resistance measurements

Keysight 34420A Nano-volt/Micro-ohm Meter for DCV and resistance measurements at 100 pV and 100 nOhm.  USB connectivity compatible with NI-VISA communication protocols.  Used with Signantone S-302-4 Four Point Probe station to measure the resistance of films printed using reactive inks.

Keysight B2901A Source/Measurement Unit

Keysight B2901A Source/Measurement Unit

Source Measurement Unit to measure electrical resistance of lines and films

The Keysight B2901A precision source / measure unit (SMU) is a 1-channel, compact, and cost-effective benchtop SMU with the capability to source and measure both voltage and current. Minimum source resolution at 1 pA /1 μV, minimum measurement resolution at 100 fA / 100 nV. Maximum output at 210 V, 3 A DC / 10.5 A pulse

Trek 10/10B-HS-L-CE High Voltage Amplifier

Trek 10/10B-HS-L-CE High Voltage Amplifier

High-voltage, high-speed amplifier (±10,000 V with 700 V/µs) for EHD Nano-drip printer

Trek 10/10B-HS High-Voltage, High-Speed Amplifier.  This is a DC stable, high-speed, high-voltage power amplifier capable of precise control of output voltages. It features an all-solid-state design for high slew rate up to 700 V/µS, wide bandwidth and low-noise operation.  This amplifier is used to apply the driving potentials used in our Nano-drip EHD printer.

Keysight 33510A Waveform Generator

Keysight 33510A Waveform Generator

Two-channel, 20 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Keysight 33510A Two Channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator used to supply waveforms to our Trek 10/10B-HS-L-CE high voltage amplifier for the EHD Nano-drip printer.  Specifications include: up to 20 MHz with 160 MSa/s sampling rate, 16-bit resolution, and USB connectivity compatible with NI-VISA communication protocols

Keysight DSOX3023A Oscilloscope

Keysight DSOX3023A Oscilloscope

Four-channel, 200 MHz Oscilloscope

Keysight DSOX3024A Oscilloscope 4 analog channels up to 200 MHz with waveform option enabled.   USB connectivity compatible with NI-VISA communication protocols

Keysight N2790A High Voltage Floating Probes

Keysight N2790A High Voltage Floating Probes

High Voltage Floating Probes (10:1, 100:1)

Keysight N2790A High Voltage Floating Probes with 10:1 or 100:1 reduction for monitoring high voltage signals up to 25 MHz.  Used with our DSOX3024A Oscilloscope.

Keysight N5752A 600 V Power Supply

Keysight N5752A 600 V Power Supply

600 V, 1.3 A (780 W) Power Supply

Keysight N2790A High Voltage Floating Probes with 10:1 or 100:1 reduction for monitoring high voltage signals up to 25 MHz.  Used with our DSOX3024A Oscilloscope.

Keysight U3606B 30 Watt Power Supply

Keysight U3606B 30 Watt Power Supply

30 V, 1A or 8 V, 3A (30 Watt) Power Supply

Keysight U3606B 30 Watt DC Power Supply with built-in multimeter; 30V/1A or 8V/3A.  Supported measurements include 2-wire and 4 wire resistancemeasurement; frequency, capacitance, continuity, and diode tests.  USB connectivity compatible with NI-VISA communication protocols

Keysight 34411A Multimeter

Keysight 34411A Multimeter

General Purpose Multimeter

Keysight 34411A Benchtop Multimeter to monitor voltage and current.   USB connectivity compatible with NI-VISA communication protocols

Fabrication, Synthesis, and Lab Supplies

Leco MSX205 High Speed Sectioning Saw

Leco MSX205 High Speed Sectioning Saw

Dicing Saw

Leco MSX205 Sectioning Saw high speed sectioning saw used to cross-sectioning samples for metallurgical analysis. With Radial and linear section feed arms, 40 mm lateral stage travel for positioning, 500 rpm to 4800 rpm variable spindle speed.

Streurs Polisher

Streurs Polisher


Streurs LaboSystem polishing station with LabForce-100 and automated fluid dispensing for polishing sectioned samples.

Leco MSX205 High Speed Sectioning Saw

Leco MSX205 High Speed Sectioning Saw

Dicing Saw

Glowforge Basic uses onboard cameras and a powerful laser to make lab fixtures and boxes. 40 W Class 1 laser product and is exhausted through the lab exhaust ventilation system.

World Precision Instruments PUL-1000 Micropipette Puller

World Precision Instruments PUL-1000 Micropipette Puller

Micropipette puller to pull 1 µm pipettes

World Precision Instruments PUL-1000 Micropipette Puller is a microprocessor controlled micropipette puller with up to four programmed sequence steps.  Typical tip is 1 µm in diameter with larger diameters achieved using our microbeveler.  This puller and microbeveler combination is used to fabricate tips for a EHD nano-drip printer.

World Precision Instruments MBS Microbeveler System

World Precision Instruments MBS Microbeveler System

Microbeveler system for beveling micropipettes

World Precision Instruments MBS Microbeveler System to bevel micropipette tips pulled using our PUL-1000 micropipette puller.  Used to bevel tips larger than 1 µm, system is variable speed and includes a SYS-48000 microbevler, light source, microscope, and abrasion accessories.

Plasma Etch Venus 25 Plasma Cleaner

Plasma Etch Venus 25 Plasma Cleaner

Automated plasma cleaning and etching system

Plasma Etch Venus 25 Benchtop Plasma Cleaning System equipped with two digital flow controllers to support dual gas plasma environments.  The entire system is digitally controlled for improved repeatbility.  Specificaitons include 400 W, 50 KHz continuously varialbe power supply with automatic matching network.  Equipment is used for sample cleaning, substrate preparation, and adjusting substrate termination for controlling substrate surface energy.

IKA RV10 Rotary Evaporator

IKA RV10 Rotary Evaporator

Rotary evaporator with vacuum, chiller, and bath temperature controller

Ika RV10 Rotary Evaporator System with integrated vacuum controller, cooling water management, bath temperature and safety features for distilling reactive inks and removing excess solvent.


Comsol Multiphysics

Comsol Multiphysics

Multiphysics Simulation Software

Comsol Multiphysics simulation software with the following modules: AC/DC, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), chemical reaction engineering, corrosion, heat transfer, MEMS, microfluidics, particle tracing, structural mechanics, materials library, and LiveLink for MATLAB.

Apple's Xcode Integrated Developer Environment (IDE)

Apple's Xcode Integrated Developer Environment (IDE)

Xcode for writing integrated data analysis routines and control software

Apple’s Xcode Integrated Developer Environment is used to write custom software for data analysis and controlling research equipment. These projects are often written by volunteer and FURI undergraduate research assistants studying from the computer science department.  These projects give students hands-on experience writing code for scientific applications.



A Swift wrapper for National Instruments VISA

This is an open-sourced project to develop SwiftVISA – a Swift wrapper for NI-VISA. It is similar to PyVISA, with several differences. As with PyVISA, you can use SwiftVISA to control various measurement devices.